01 dezembro 2017


Aqui está uma maneira genial de combater o pessoal que espalha spam e arrelias pela internet: reenviar as mensagens recebidas para: me@rescam.org, uma organização que tem robots para dar conversa fiada aos criminosos que enviaram as mensagens. Enquanto estes se entretêm a conversar com os robots, deixam os humanos em paz.

Fui espreitar à pasta onde o meu programa de correio deposita automaticamente o spam. Uma das primeiras que lá estava era a que se segue. Reenviei, pois claro. No entretanto já me fartei de rir a imaginar o robot a conversar com este, tipo "não sejas mau pra mim, ohoh, ohoh, eu só te quero assim".


Betreff: [Tiсket#507007154] DKR: [helena@xxx] All in your hands

Tiскеt Details
Тiсket ID: XNY-339-42756
Email: helena@xxxx
Camera ready,Notification: 27/11/2017
Status: Waiting for Reply 38xuJaQy1A4f42wCnSmCkL4QrF6Xy48Tu2_Priority: Normal

Whats up,

I do not want to judge anyone, but in sum of some cases, we have point of contact since now. I do not think that caress oneself is very bad, but when all your acquaintances see it- its obviously bad.

So, what am I implying? You visited the internet with роrn, which I’ve seized with the deleterious soft. Then you chose video, virus started working and your device became function as rdp immediately. Naturally, all cams and screen started recording at once and then my soft collected all contacts from your device.

I text you on this e-mail address, cuz I got it it with my soft, and I guess you for sure check this work e-mail.

The most important thing that I created video, on one side it shows your screen record, on second side your cams record. Its very amusingly. But it wasn’t so easy ,so I proud of it.

As a conclusion- if you want me to destroy all this compromising evidence, here is my Bitcoin wallet address- 1Q2chBQJ1gHvJLvWYpWHNCFSN8kjjJ6H1j (it should be without «spaces» or «=»,check it). If you do not know how to make btc transactions, you can ask google or youtube for advice- its very easy. It seems to me, that 295 usd will solve your problem and will destroy our touchpoint in perpetuity. You have thirty hours after opening this letter(I put special pixel in it, ill know when you read it). If you will not finish transaction, ill share the compromising with all contacts I’ve collected from you.

Finally, you can ask police for help, but, obviously, they will not find me for 1 day, so you will be shamed at all. Sorry for misprints, I am foreign.

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