(excerto do texto integral do discurso de Joachim Gauck sobre a Europa em 22.02.2013)
Ladies and gentlemen,
deep in our hearts, we Germans in particular know that there is something which ties us to Europe in a special way.
After all, it was from our country that the attempts to destroy everything European, all universal values were unleashed. Despite everything that happened, the Allies granted our country support and solidarity straight after the war. We were spared what could so easily have followed our hubris: an existence as a disowned outcast outside the family of nations.
Instead, we were invited, received and welcomed – something which seems especially unexpected and wonderful from today’s viewpoint. We became partners!
We had the fortunate experience of learning to respect ourselves and being respected by others when we wanted to be “not above and not below other peoples”. We have committed ourselves to Europe. Indeed, we have pledged ourselves to Europe.
Today we renew this pledge.
We will pause to consider before crossing the threshold, we will rethink the situation. Then armed with new ideas and good reasons, we will renew confidence, strengthen our commit¬ment and continue to build what we have been building – Europe.
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