06 janeiro 2011


Em dia de festa da Epifania, dou à Maria algo que lhe estava prometido desde o Natal:

This Advent, I’d like to invite you beyond a merely sentimental understanding of Christmas as “waiting for the baby Jesus” to an adult and social appreciation of the message of the Incarnation of God in Christ.  We Franciscans have always believed that the Incarnation was already the Redemption, because in Jesus’ birth God was already saying that it was good to be human, and God was on our side, and on the side of all creation.
The need on this earth for adult Christianity and the actual message of Jesus is so urgent that we cannot allow this great feast of Christmas, and its preparation in Advent, to be watered down in any way.
-- Adapted from Preparing for Christmas with Richard Rohr, p.1, CAC Meditation, 27/11/10

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