01 março 2009

de noche, iremos de noche...

Escreve-me um amigo:

I have always felt like an alien in a strange land in both the Church and the world.
Last week I attended an Idea Party put on by an Evangelical colleague of mine in the masters program. He is quite disaffected from his tradition and is searching for a better way to live his faith and share faith with others.
A long time ago Andrew Greely, a sociologist and priest from the Chicago Archdiocese, made a distinction between the sociological side and spiritual side of faith.
More recently Richard Rohr, OFM, made a distinction between religion and relationship and that Jesus came to establish relationships not a religion.
Anyway during that idea party I was in a small group who found it difficult to understand how I could remain in the Church and be so dissatisfied with her, what I call religiosity and sociology, which seems so corrupt and far from the Holy Spirit set loose in the world by Jesus.
When I fell in love with Jesus I married the Church for better for worse as the Church married me for better for worse.
Rahner always taught the primacy of our conscience. We are obligated to go where we find truth. Though I’ve often wished I could, so far I haven’t found more truth anywhere outside the Church.

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